Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Training and Certification is the “Survival-kit” teaching anyone the nuts and bolts of fundamental Lean and Six Sigma concepts and the Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC) process improvement methodology.

The learning outcomes cover principles that apply to everyone in an organization requiring a clear, practical understanding of continuous improvement best practices as a sound basis for identifying and correcting problems. It also provides skills for mapping processes and collecting data, important groundwork for continuous improvement projects to be effective.

The training is highly interactive and includes many exercises and simulations that demonstrate how waste and variation occurs in a process and more importantly, how to use Lean and Six Sigma tools to eliminate to learn to see processes, value and waste, make data-based decisions, set clear goals and targets and break down organizational barriers and silos to drive greater operational efficiency.

How you benefit

  • Acquire the mindset and knowledge of basic Lean Six Sigma tools and techniques to be able to create the foundation for continuous improvement
  • Learn how to solve problems in any setting by understanding the fundamentals of process variation and waste and its affect on organizational performance
  • Equips you with a methodology, Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC) roadmap to identify and correct problems
  • Discover how to measure and put continuous improvement thinking into actions
  • Apply new skills for collecting and analyzing data and a toolkit to deliver continuous improvement results

Participant profile

Yellow Belt Training and Certification is designed for professionals from a wide range of industries and business dynamics (manufacturing, service or transactional) involved in business improvement, either as part of their everyday job role or as a project team member:

  • Seeking to learn new problem solving approaches and skills to initiate and implement change
  • Who want to create the foundation to strengthen their organization’s continuous improvement capability

While individual participants are welcome, participation is encouraged from several individuals within the same organisation, who are current or potential members of a change implementation team.

Course Pre-requisites

Interest in developing basic continuous improvement skills

Exam and Certification

Online Exam: 20 questions
Duration: 30 min.
Pass mark: 70%

Achieve 70% pass mark in the Yellow Belt multiple choice final exam

Every company’s needs, culture, areas of focus and strategy are different. Therefore sometimes, simply putting people on a course isn’t enough to make the difference.

Just as your needs are unique, your training solution needs to be unique too if it is to truly make the difference and bring about the behavioural change you seek – which ultimately gives you a competitive advantage and more importantly, a return on your investment.

One of the biggest challenges of learning and applying continuous improvement is sustaining the momentum needed to achieve results. Designed around a series of brief doing and learning activities, Group Training provides direct and on-going engagement with our qualified Master Black Belt experts who bring substantial business and organizational experience working in both traditional ways, one to one, face to face or remotely.

The Group Training course consists of a combination of Instructor-led virtual training blended with self-study online learning. It can be tailored to include as few as a single on-site session, or may be done completely virtually. The timing and content for the coaching sessions are agreed in advance to provide maximum impact/benefit to the participants and their projects.

You choose: 

  • The delivery style – classroom, virtual, eLearning, or a combination through blended learning.
  • Choice of format and duration – to allow for an Action Learning Project (ALP) to be completed alongside the learning.
  • The support needed – one-to-one coaching, group coaching and eLearning access duration.
  • Additional case studies and subjects to include – pick out the additional topics or subjects that you want to learn.
  • Timing – number of days at a time, start time, finish time, weekends, evenings, day shift or night shift.
  • Certification – real projects, case studies or examinations with no projects.
  • Projects – Develop new or use industry, company specific case studies.
  • Feedback – access to our systems, monthly reports and discussions with trainers.
  • Customized and branded courseware also translated in several languages.
  • Guest speakers and benchmarking site visits built into training sessions.

Action Learning Project

Action Learning Projects (ALPs) are guided ‘real-world assignments’ and a core element of Game Change Group Training, designed to increase business impact, and to enable you to take newly acquired skills and apply them within the context of your actual job and organization.

Group Training centres around a specific Action Learning Project related to the learning objectives of your organization, allowing you to test ideas in a risk-free environment, then devise a realistic strategy plan that can be executed once you return to work.

Working with our Master Black Belt coach, you will design an ALP that is right for your organization and your personal learning objectives.

There are three phases to the ALP process:

  • First, you will agree on the scope of your ALP with the MBB coach, to make sure it aligns with the learning objectives of the programme and culminates in a concrete goal.

  • Second, in each of the nine content weeks, you will work as a team to apply the tools and concepts learned during that week to your ALP.

  • Third, at the end of the content weeks, you will synthesize your learning and to develop concrete strategic recommendations for your organization, and submit them for team review. In the final week of the programme, the team review will take place and this will be facilitated by a Game Change Master Black Belt. During this team review participants will review the submissions and provide peer feedback. The final ALP and peer review process normally takes place between 10-14 days after the programme content finishes.

Game Change’s unique approach to Group Training can be tailored to include:

On-site Project Coaching: Project-focused discussion and one-on-one review sessions with a project leader or team.

Virtual Coaching: Typically 1-3 hour sessions with a Master Black Belt connected to participants via Zoom.

Project Toll-gate Reviews: Arranged around the DMAIC problem solving roadmap, facilitated review and assessment of key deliverables and application of Lean Six Sigma techniques during project implementation.

Facilitated Workshops: Led by a dedicated trainer and coach who can focus on your individual needs and help broaden understanding of key topics and guide you to achieve your learning objectives and leave you with specific takeaways and immediate next steps.

Curriculum and Course Format

E-Learning Modules

24 Hours

Instructor-led Live Virtual Sessions

9 Hours

Action Learning Project (ALP)

15 Hours

ALP Tollgate Review

5 Hours

Estimated Duration:

53 Hours

Customize your team training experience

Choice of delivery format (E-Learning, Virtual, Face-to-Face or a mix of all three).
Delivered when, where, and how you want it.
Full-scale programme development.
Tailored content.
Expert team coaching.
A dedicated online learning environment for your organization.
Progress tracking towards project completion and certification. 

Do you have a training need or a group project you want to talk to us about

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Ongoing personal and professional development. Recognition and career advancement opportunities.

Part of a strong international network. Join a community of continuous improvement professionals that will support you during and long after the course is over

Program Features

The quickest, easiest and most engaging way to get individuals and companies on track with Lean Six Sigma concepts and tools.

In-person and virtual workshops

Ready-to-use job aids, tools and templates

Peer-to-peer learning forums

Distinctive digital learning content

Expert coaching support

Nudges, reminders and micro learning

Excellent for remote teams

Auto-translate curriculum and instruction

Multi-channel; eLearning, virtual, face-to-face or in-house

Make progress in less time and deliver results quickly

Tailored learning solutions for companies

Mobile friendly

Highly practical

Join our Lean Six Sigma community

Practice exams

World Class Lean Six Sigma Certification

We don’t just deliver training. 

We train to deliver business results.

Taiichi Ohno, who is considered to be the father of the Toyota Production System, once said:
” All we are doing is looking at the time line, from the moment the customer gives us an order to the point when we collect the cash. And we are reducing the time line by reducing the non-value adding wastes”

Since its establishment in 1937, Toyota has developed the improvement system, the ”Toyota Production System”.

This was the system that inspired researchers at the end of the 1980s to define what we know today as the Lean philosophy.

In brief, Lean is meant to simplify operations, eliminate waste, and to carry out more value-creating activities by developing people and processes.

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Six Sigma was developed by Mikel Harry and Bill Smith at Motorola in the late 80’s but has roots stemming back to Deming and the principles of Zero Defects and Total Quality Management. Over several years that followed the initiation of its efforts, Motorola achieved a 200 fold improvement in production quality from 4 Sigma to about 5.5 Sigma and saved a reported $2.2 billion in the process.

Another early adopter was Allied Signal as they implemented the methods in the early 90s so that it became more than just a system to measure production quality.

Six Sigma became well known after Jack Welch made it a central focus of his business strategy at General Electric in 1995 to drive growth and cost reduction and in GE’s 1999 annual report they attributed benefits of $2 billion net income to Six Sigma.

Six Sigma is a compilation of statistical concepts and other tools and techniques put together in a systematic way to get results.

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Lean Six Sigma is not just a collection of tools, but an integrated continuous improvement methodology aimed at delivering defect-free products and services — as well as producing value for the customer as efficiently as possible. 

The Lean Six Sigma methodology is a merger of two distinct but complementary methodologies—Lean and Six Sigma. Lean is based on Toyota’s production system and has been developed into a Lean set of principles that have been widely applied in both manufacturing and service businesses. Six Sigma was developed by Motorola in the late 1980’s initially to improve product quality and has also been widely applied in manufacturing and service organizations.

Click here to read more…

Upon successful completion of all certification requirements, participants are awarded with an official Belt Certificate from Game Change, which they can also showcase on their LinkedIn profile. In addition, we will also invite you to be a part of an ongoing learning community for all Game Change Certified Belts.

Yes, the certification fee is included in all Game Change courses.

The terms are used to describe individual proficiency as a Lean and Six Sigma practitioner. The original terms were defined by Motorola and only covered Six Sigma aspects, but more recently the application and training of Lean and Six Sigma has been combined and this has now emerged as an industry standard.

Lean Six Sigma Yellow, Green, Black and Master Black Belt Certification demonstrates an individual’s knowledge, skills and dedication to achieving a high standard of competency in the application of the Lean and Six Sigma approach, concepts and tools.

Employers are increasingly looking for Certified Belt status as evidence of practical understanding and the ability to run projects and obtain financial benefits. Certification is therefore essential for career advancement and to be recognised as a true lean six sigma continuous improvement professional.

The simple answer is no. Historically, both the Lean and Six Sigma approach originated in companies (Toyota and Motorola respectiveley) and all major organizations have since run their Belt training differently.                                                                 
When considering your choice of training provider the real benchmark is the best practice process used by companies such as GE, Motorola and Honeywell. Their robust approach, requires training content to not just focus on building technical competence but also a demonstration of the practical application of the DMAIC methodology to project scenarios and developing the skills in selecting the right tools and techniques. This is the same approach adopted by Game Change which is why our training is truly world class. Our certification process remains true to the spirit of Lean Six Sigma set by the early adoptors such as Motorola, GE, Honeywell, Toyota and the analytical rigour and ‘learn by doing’ standards necessary to ensure course participants gain full appreciation of the practical skills needed to achieve World Class Lean Six Sigma Certification. 

Results are available immediateley after successful completion of the online Final exam and the respective Yellow/Green/Black/Master Black Belt Belt Certificate is available for electronic download.

To successfully attain Master Black Belt Certification you are required to;

Submit at least two successful projects and evidence of the use of tools and techniques associated with Lean Six Sigma for assessment at the end of the course by a Master Black Belt instructor panel.
Deliver a project presentation during Session II of the course to an audience made up of other course participants and Master Black Belts.
Achieve 70% pass mark in the Master Black Belt final exam (75 multiple choice questions).

There is a choice of 3 options for Master Black Belt project submissions;

A current problem that you are currently solving using the Lean SIx Sigma methodology and tools.
A past project where you have applied the Lean Six Sigma methodology and tools and can show evidence of this.
We can provide real projects and case studies for you to work on.

The main focus is to assess your practical appreciation of the methodology, tools and techniques. The following are typical of project topics submitted by attendees for this course;

Raise customer service levels in a call centre
Cut costs and speed output in activities from manufacturing to sales
Realise the cashable benefits of integrated processes and IT
Establish effective business measures and performance management systems
Boost quality, eliminate defects and improve reliability of processes and systems

The problem statement must be important to the business, customer or stakeholders.

This examination is intended to cover all aspects of the respective Yellow, Green, Black, Master Black Belt curriculum with a high emphasis on the practical application of concepts learned during the course. Online practice exams are available during course attendance.

Multiple choice (no negative marking so you are required to attempt all questions).
Online Exam
Closed book, calculators allowed.
Yellow (20 questions/30 min); Green Belt (30 questions/40 min); Black Belt (50 questions/70 min); Master Black Belt (75 questions/120 min)
Pass mark for all exams is 70%

Our current certification rate runs at 97%, 92%, 91% and 100% for Yellow, Green, Black and Master Black Belt exams, respectively.

All our course content is designed to account for non native English speakers and all courses include multi-lingual auto translate features.

No, once you become certified, there is no requirement to re-certify again.

Upon successfully completing the course, participants will be awarded with an official Lean Six Sigma Yellow/Green/Black/Master Black Belt Certificate available for electronic download and which they can also showcase on their LinkedIn profile.

The Game Change Lean Six Sigma Training and Certification program is based on the GE, Motorola and Honeywell certification model which is recognised as the appropriate way to become certified. All our course curriculum conforms to the Body of Knowledge as specified by the American Society of Quality (ASQ) and other best practice standards.

This program has been sucessfully attended by hundreds of organisations and thousands of business professional Worldwide since 2005.

The standards require an individual to pass rigorous training and testing hurdles to gain Lean Six Sigma certification. Case studies are designed to ensure a practical understanding of systematically, selecting and applying appropriate methods and tools and the learning outcomes are individually assessed by the Instructor and through quizzes during the course and through the Final Exam on the last day of the course.

Master Black Belt’s are required to conduct a guided audit of at least two individual projects submitted prior to the start of session II of the course for formal assessment by a panel of Master Black Belt instructors. The results form part of the certification criteria in addition to the Final Exam.

E-Learning courses are self paced and we recommend you to devote 1-2 hours per week watching video lectures and completing E-Learning Modules on fundamental concepts, 1 hour per week on interacting with fellow participants in discussions or reflecting on the concepts through quizzes, and 2-3 hours per week in applying the fundamental concepts to your everyday work.

Blended, Virtual and Group Training is designed in a manner to encourage the whole class to learn together, moving at a certain pace from session to session, while providing enough flexibility between sessions for the participants to review the content at their own convenience. You can log in anytime at your convenience and review the weekly content at your own pace, as the learning design is asynchronous.

For live Zoom calls with the instructor, which will take place at a particular time, and you will need to be online at that particular time. These live calls would typically take place during an afternoon as per Central European Time to accommodate the maximum participants across the globe. We will also record these live calls for those participants who are unable to join the live session.

Face-to-Face Classroom courses require participants commit to a series of 8 hour days of intense learning.

Our trainers are all carefully selected to ensure that only the best Master Black Belts, with years of relevant hands-on experience, deliver our courses. Each trainer has worked across multiple industries and has helped implement Lean Six Sigma in all contexts in companies worldwide. Our trainers are passionate about effectively coaching people through their training and to successfully get Lean Six Sigma implemented in their organization.

Yes, of course. The learning experience is designed to encourage interaction and simulate as close an experience to face-to-face as possible. Participants would be able to interact with each other through discussion forums, distributed throughout the online Bootcamp learning platform. They would also have the opportunity to interact with each other during the live Instructor led sessions.

Our typical training class includes a mix of international course participants including team members, supervisors, project manager’s, functional and technical experts, internal and external consultants, senior executives, business leaders and sponsors from a wide variety of manufacturing, service and transactional environments.

The diversity in Game Change classes truly enriches the learning experience, as each student contributes with his or her own culture, perspective and mindset to the issues studied. Moreover, one of the cornerstones of our programme is our emphasis on group work and virtual teams and the importance of sharing best practices.

Course participants are an important source of support to each other, developing close friendships and an international professional network.

At Game Change, you never learn alone. To bring this notion alive in the online setting, we have built a learning community comprising of the participants, trainers and subject matter experts. Our unique approach to peer-to-peer learning plays an integral part in stimulating content discussions, encouraging collaboration between participants as well as guiding the participants closely in meeting their learning objectives.

The Bootcamp is the learning platform, facilitated by Game Change Master Black Belt’s with a wealth of learning and implementation resources including Discussion Groups, Toolkit, Templates, Downloads, Events, Prcatice Exam’s to test your knowledge and much more.

Please click on ‘Enrol Now’, then click on ‘Payment’ to proceed with your payment where you have the option to pay online or request a company invoice.

We accept that sometimes you may have to cancel your course, for full details surrounding our cancellation policy, please read our terms and conditions.

Yes. We offer 10% off the advertised price to students who can produce a valid email address (e.g ac.uk) and identity reference number from a recognized educational institution.

No – Once you have paid for the course there are no further costs. During the course you can purchase additional coaching sessions if you wish but there is no mandatory requirement to do so.

As long as you meet the course pre-requisites you have the opportunity to upgrade between courses at any stage.

There will be no charges for a substitute delegate replacing an original delegate if Game Change has been informed before the start of the first session. Substitutions cannot be made after the start of the first session.

All Game Change Learning Courses can be accessed on desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones.
Currently supported browsers (usually based on support of latest two browser versions) are:

Chrome: version 31+
Safari: version 7+
Firefox: version 26+
IE: version 10+

The application uses modern web development approaches (HTML 5) so that it can function responsively across desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones without the need of players or add-ons. 

At the moment we do not support offline access of content so you will need to have access to the Internet whenever you want to access the course content or zoom sessions.

Yes. The entire content of the course, toolkit and access to the Bootcamp online learning platform is available to you for 12 months after completion of the course. After 12 months, continued access is subject to Bootcamp subscription charges.

Absolutely, and we actually encourage participants to attend in teams in order to maximise the learning and impact. Group Training is facilitated by our unique learning platform. Intersted? Get in touch.

This tried and tested learning program will equip you with the advanced decision making and process improvement skills to take on greater responsibility to effectively engage with others and to successfully implement continuous improvement and change projects for your organisation. It will provide you with a set of concepts and tools enabling you to lead your organisation with impact and efficiency – maximising its performance in changing times. Take a look at our Which Course? page for the breakdown on what the courses mean and what Belt you should take.

If you’re still not sure which course is best suited for you, get in touch and one of our Master Black Belt’s will be happy to assist you.

Our diversity is our distinguishing feature. Game Change is probably the only training course where you will find a dozen or so nationalities in the same class, with one common aim – a goal to learn about the topics being discussed, interact with fellow participants to acquire a global perspective and develop continuous improvement tools to take back and apply to their everyday work.

With so many different national and industry perspectives to learn from, you really will start to see things differently. By challenging your old assumptions, you will become aware of new possibilities and start to understand how very different people think.

All course material includes multi-lingual auto-translate features and all Live Zoom sessions include multi-lingual subtitle translations.

If you haven’t completed your course by the time your access expires, you can request for an extension. Get in touch to see what we can do.

Don’t worry. Although successful completion of project work is a requirement to complete some of the courses, we know that sometimes it’s not a straightforward process to be able to make changes within an organisation.

For that reason, we have a number of case studies which delegates can use in place of their projects. If you have any questions about the case studies, or to find out if your project is suitable, please get in touch.

Re-sit exams are available online at a time when it suits you up to 30 days after completing the first exam.

We believe in our ability to help you certify and as a matter of company policy we do not charge a re-sit exam fee. You can make several attempts, hopefully not required.

Courses will receive support from our Master Black Belts via our Bootcamp learning platform. They are available to answer any questions regarding the course content and your project at hand.